
Project Backup and Import

Divjoy currently stores your project locally (in your browser's Local Storage). If you'd like to backup a project to ensure you don't lose it and have the ability to re-import it at a future time, you can follow these instructions.


To backup your project click the "Export Code" button in the top right of the preview window and then download your project to your computer. Your codebase will include a divjoy-project.json file that can be re-imported into Divjoy at anytime to restore your project.


To import a project back into Divjoy follow these instructions:

  1. Click the "Import Project" button at the top of the editor.
  2. image
  3. Copy the contents of your exported divjoy-project.json file and paste it into the import window.
  4. image
  5. Click the "Import" button and your project will be restored. Keep in mind that stack options, such as framework, auth, etc, are not stored as part of your project. These settings can be adjusted at anytime by going to the homepage, changing your stack options, and then returning to your current project.